
Offense, vice, crime, scandal, misdeed, misdemeanor, transgression, infraction, violation, felony, disobedience, misconduct.

They sound awful, don’t they? Shameful. But they refer to an act, not a person. It may be what you've done, but it isn't who you are.

Sin is a one-time event. The same act can be repeated over and over, but it is an act that exists within the boundaries of time. Each of those acts is a separate event. Because I sinned yesterday, that doesn't mean I will surely commit that same sin tomorrow. If I do sin tomorrow, there is a way to overcome it.

How do we overcome sin and not let it overcome us? I write my characters into trouble, and then I write them out of it. When I get into trouble, I have to talk to the author and finisher of my faith. God is the one who has written me out of trouble time and time again.

There are several ways to stop yourself from getting back into sin, but there is only one way to be free of the stain of sin.

The blood Jesus shed on the cross is a stain remover like no other. I've experienced the cleansing power of a liquid so expensive it cost a man his life. However, that life was born of God and given by God and raised by God.

Just as God multiplied five loaves and two fish to feed thousands, He multiplied the blood of one perfect man to wash away the sin of the world.

There is blood enough to wash away my sin and yours. God forgives and He hears you.

It's okay to thank Him now.

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