God Shakes His Head Again

My blog’s description tells us all that I write about life, love, and heroes. Well, this is one of those “life” posts.

I love my kids. But they’re kids, and they sometimes mess up. That can be frustrating, especially when you know that they know how to act.

When I find myself in a test of parenting fortitude, I often am reminded that God is my parent. Sometimes my heavenly Father is frustrated with me when I don’t follow through with what He wants for me.

I shake my head at my kids and think, “When are they going to learn?” But then I realize that God is shaking His head over me with that same question in His mind.

He’s been through this a lot through the ages. He shook His head over His kids when He was talking to Moses. Jesus shook His head over the disciples who couldn’t stay awake to pray in the garden. And now, He’s shaking His head over us.

Check out my Seek God With Me post to read more on this topic.

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