Whom Do You Love?

Love, adoration, worship. They all mean basically the same thing. It is something we give only to a select few.

How do we choose the ones we worship? Does our filtering system decide whom we should love based on who benefits us the most?

Most of the time, we love because someone else showed us love. We love parents who loved us. We loved friends and spouses who started off the relationship with gifts of love.

When we recognize that our every breath is given to us out of love by the one we hardly ever speak to, we can turn from our neglect and build up a habit of showing love to God.

He loves without remorse. He loves in the truest and fullest way. He still loves even when we don't. So we should return the affection. We should spend time thinking about Him and talking to Him. We should attempt to love like He loves.

To read more on this topic, check out my Seek God With Me blog.

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