Worshipping Calves Again?

In the Bible, a golden calf was made to give the people something to worship while they waited on Moses who was taking a long time up on the mountain watching God making the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments on them. When Moses finally came down, he saw the people worshipping the golden calf and got a little upset. Okay, more than a little.

I can just hear Moses fussing at the people. "I turn my back for one minute, and what do you do? Run off and make a golden calf!" Okay, he didn't really say that. It sounds more like somebody's mother.

After Moses got really angry about the sin of the people, you'd think that would be the last we ever hear of anyone making a golden calf.

Apparently, there were a few who forgot that first calf fiasco. Join me at Seek God With Me for the rest of the story.

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