I know a lot of people have a pile of books they intend to read, their To Be Read pile (TBR).

My TBR pile has interesting books stacked, ready and waiting. A book in my pile has to describe a time and place so vividly it takes me into another world. It has to introduce me to characters I want to know. Aside from being vivid and appealing, it also has to be well-written. I won’t read it if there are too many pages of hard-to-follow narratives or hard-to-believe plots.

As I read, I listen to the sound of the words in my mind. If sentences are awkward or grouped so that words become difficult to pronounce, I lose interest in the book. So many similar words in a sentence sounds silly.

For example, look at genius, ingenious, genuine, and disingenuous.

What’s the difference between Genius and Ingenious?

Ingenious means clever, imaginative, or inventive and usually refers to an object. A genius is a person with extraordinary intellectual abilities. So a genius can write an ingenious plot.

How about the difference between Disingenuous or Genuine?

Disingenuous means lying about being genuine. Genuine means sincere.

How genuine was the genesis of the genius? The disingenuous genius lied about his ingenious genesis.

See what I mean? That was a mouthful.

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