What I Learned From Tyra Banks

I watched a show I had recorded out of curiosity and kept my ears open for instructions I could apply to myself. I’m not a model, but the model competitions on TV show me that even beautiful girls struggle with confidence.

Tyra Banks hosts a model competition reality show that proves once again that no matter which industry you work in, there will always be challenges to overcome. If you have talent and work hard to improve yourself, you have a chance to succeed. And if you can keep your head on straight, you just might win.

Some of the girls received a lot of encouragement from the judges, and some received mostly instruction. The girls who could take the instruction and show improvement stayed in the competition. If they became hard to work with, they went home.

I like to learn from the mistakes of others. Since the correction isn’t aimed at me, I don’t have to get over any bad feelings that might come with it. I can internalize anything that fits me and make changes. If I’ll learn from my own challenges and practice using sound advice, I’ll do more than I ever thought I could.

Tyra said some things on the show that could be used outside the modeling industry. She makes me want to be fierce, show life and energy, be generous, take direction, and let who I am come out.

I’m a writer who wants so much to produce bestselling novels that I’m using tips from the modeling industry to improve my craft.

Really, it’s the same thing the writing instructors say; they just say it differently.

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