Technology has changed the way people think. When we want to take notes, more people use handheld devices to type or record notes. There are always those who remember what a piece of paper and pen can be used for, but they are a small group these days.
Using software instead of old school tools helps some of us use our time more efficiently. Today, there are many ways to communicate with friends and family in far away places, ways that our grandparents couldn’t have dreamed of. We get information faster than we ever have, and some of it is even helpful.
This weekend, check out my review of a movie that features the idea of updating our technology. This is an idea that has moved into every corner of life. Churches and schools use the latest technology to reach out to young ones who are used to hearing about digital communication tools.
On today’s post at Seek God With Me, I’m discussing the idea of adding a communication room of a different kind to your home. I hope you’ll join me.