Leslie Caron is an energetic and delightful Gigi, whose friendship with rich playboy Gaston, played by handsome Louis Jordan, develops over years of youthful frivolity. But the friendship is in jeopardy as the young girl turns into a young woman.
Gaston wins over Gigi with a heartfelt and sincere love. This is the kind of movie you watch with a bowl of popcorn and a sigh. It's a beautiful movie with a touch of humor and a lot of songs.
The way Gaston falls in love with Gigi is like someone growing up in the church knowing who God is, but not feeling in awe of God. It doesn’t feel like he needs or wants her, but keeps coming back to her. Then when he sees her like he’s never seen her before, everything changes.
Gigi won nine Oscars. Among them were Best Picture, Best Director, Best Writing, and Best Costume Design. Along with three Golden Globe wins, it also won the Writers Guild of America award for Best Written American Musical. It even won a Grammy for Best Soundtrack Album, Dramatic Picture Score or Original Cast.
In addition to showing off great costumes, this movie, directed by Vincente Minnelli, capitalizes on the romance in the story. One of my favorite songs in the movie is the duet with Maurice Chevalier and Hermione Gingold. Do you remember it well too?
Maurice Chevalier plays Gaston's uncle and sings the movie's most famous song, a showstopper, "Thank Heaven for Little Girls". He's a charmer.