Summer Reading, part fourteen

It seems that troubles abound for psalmists. This section, Psalms 73-79, isn’t written by King David, but the same agony of having to live around trouble-makers is present.

Psalm 73 tells of our problem with watching the wicked amassing wealth and seemingly getting by with their sins. The whole psalm gives an overview of the wicked and their foolishness. It ends with Psalm 73:28, “But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.” Like David, this psalmist is able to express inadequacies and still keep praises and longing for God in his mouth. 

Psalm 74 is a cry of the heart for God to take his hands out of his pockets and do something. The psalmist reminds God in verses 16-17 that he is still in charge, since he’s the Creator, “The day is yours, and yours also the night; you established the sun and moon. It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter.” We all have our needy moments. When you call out to God, just remember that God’s heart is still for you. Be patient and rest in the fact that you will eventually get the victory.

Psalm 75 can be seen as a response to the cry for help in Psalm 74. This one is a declaration that God is the rightful judge and will come to our rescue. The psalmist admits that he’ll sing praises to God forever.

In our distress, we can remember what God has done for others. Psalm 77 is a good place to re-read the ways God rescued his people. This psalmist felt overwhelmed, but thought about the miracles God did for Moses to bring his people into freedom.

Another reason I have been maintaining a devotional blog is for the purpose of (as stated in Psalm 78:4) telling “the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord.” Psalm 78 is an example of teaching from the mistakes of our ancestors. God was furious with his people, but he didn’t give up on them. He continued his plan of salvation for his stubborn people.

Please continue reading the Psalms, and don’t skip anything. It’s all good.

Next time, we’ll go to Psalms 80-83.

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