Facing the Scary Stuff

This month, even though I don’t “celebrate” Halloween, I will be featuring reviews of scary movies. I will also have devotionals on my other blog, Seek God With Me, that take a look at scary things in the Bible.

We all have those moments when we’d rather not face what’s ahead for us. For some, going off to college is scary. For others, letting a babysitter take care of your kids for the first time is what makes your knees knock. When my daughter lost her first tooth, she thought all her teeth would fall out and she wouldn’t have any left. It was a scary moment for her. Of course, when we told her the truth about her teeth and comforted her, she calmed down.

Join me Wednesday for a Bible verse and a reason not to be scared. On Friday, I’ll review a classic horror film from the 1940s. Don’t worry, there will be some good news in it.

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