Even if you’ve traveled a lot, I can guarantee you’ve never been to Fulton Ridge, Texas.
I wrote a Christian romance novel series and placed characters in a fictional small town called Fulton Ridge. The first three books are standalone novels that introduce the town and its quirky cast of characters.
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The women in Fulton Ridge are strong and determined. But like all of us, they need love. The first book in that series shares the story of Benita who is working hard to get a big job promotion in her company. She gets help in her journey from an unexpected source.
Adam is going through a tough time. His meandering, spontaneous, aimless life lived with a beer bottle in his hand shows his grief over his brother’s death. He needs something to live for. And then he meets Benita.
Can this corporate ladder-climbing woman find love with a man who isn’t living his best life?
Pick either the paperback or eBook version of The Promotion. And then go on to the rest of the series.