
 We’ve all read the testimonies people leave in reviews for services or online courses they’ve enjoyed. Maybe you’ve seen some like these:

  •    “I always see great results.” 
  •    “I was thrilled. And what great timing.”   
  •    “I had my doubts, but in the end, it was worth it.”
  •    “Because I followed the process, I now have proof that this works.”   

Testimonies from people who have actually used the services or courses will confirm the shopper’s opinion that they either should or should not buy.

Book shoppers deal with the same thing. Reading reviews helps you see if anyone was satisfied with their reading experience. Those reviews are testimonies that make a shopper feel more confident in their decision to buy.

Do you leave a review when you finish a book?

I am grateful for everyone who leaves a review for any of my books. The review shows the author that someone connected with their characters or was held captive for a few moments by the adventure.

If you have enjoyed a book lately, your thank you to the author is an honest review. You have the power to spread joy by letting the author and shoppers know that you enjoyed something in that book. Since a novelist’s whole purpose is to provide a faraway fictional land where readers can escape and relax, your review encourages them to continue creating more characters and adventures.

Set a goal for yourself to provide feedback in an honest review after you finish the book you buy today. You are putting a smile on an author and encouraging readers.

Want to try a new book?

Pam’s Christmas Kisses is a Christmas-themed Christian romance about two people who have different hidden wounds. They find each other, challenge each other, and help each other. The story’s big picture is about leaving the shadows of shame and accepting love.

After you read Pam’s Christmas Kisses, don’t forget to leave your review! Thank you!

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