Eternal Connections

Everyone has a friend, a family member, or someone with whom they can talk about meaningful topics. That relationship is important. It’s a connection with someone who cares enough to listen and share their experiences.

But is it an eternal connection?

My dad’s father didn’t spend a lot of time with just the two of us talking about important matters while I was growing up. I’m one of his thirty grandchildren, so I had a little competition for Papaw’s knee. I remember laughter around the dinner table and him requesting that we all sing Amazing Grace at family reunions, but being a part of a large family meant I didn’t get much personal time with him. I’m sure we’ll get a chance to catch up when I see him again in heaven because I’m sure we’ll both be there.

Can I be sure all of my family will join me in heaven?

Some, yes. Some, we won’t find out until we get there.

If I’m not sure a friend or family member is headed to heaven, how can I bring up the topic with them?

The first thing I’d do is pray. Then I’d work on having conversations with them that will build the relationship into a relationship of trust. After that, you’ll be able to tell how to turn the conversation toward eternal things.

If you see that they’re agitated about where the discussion is heading, back off and listen for God’s guidance. Don’t lose the trust you’ve built.

I know I don’t have to do the work of changing hearts. God will do it. All I’m in charge of is speaking truth in love.

The habit of meaningful conversation will help your efforts to improve your relationships with your friends, family, or anyone you love. Mary DeMuth has made available a package of 150 conversation starters as a download for $5 to help people get into deeper, more meaningful conversations with each other.

If you have trouble getting the conversation going with those you love, give Mary’s starters a try. Her web site has a FREE STUFF page where you can find NINE FREE STARTERS.

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