Who are you?

I am a writer.

Part of what I write is determined by who I am. If I had a medical background, I might add nurses and doctors to my stories. Many writers add the atmosphere of their day job to their stories. They are simply following the instruction to "write what you know".

My stories will have characters who already have a relationship with God and characters who don't. I know God wants to draw us all closer to Him.

Many of my characters will attempt to do something that seems good, but they will fail. We all fail at times. We all strive to make our own lives happier, but we don't always go down the right road. The road to success may take a turn here or there, but if we stay on the road - no matter what it looks like - we will eventually get there. I know persistent obedience works.

Sometimes, it isn't the road that is taking the turns. It is we who are turning. Jesus told us the road that leads to life is narrow. If we step off the road, there is mercy. God wants us to stay on that narrow road for our own good. I know God's guidance helps me to walk straight.

I am also a parent. Through my relationship with my children, God has taught me many things about my relationship with Him. God is my Heavenly Father and I am His child. When I look at my children, I see through the eyes of love. I don't see a face covered in chocolate, I see beauty. When I see a broken crayon on the window sill and lines of color on the window and window sill and wallpaper, I am willing to show mercy. I know that's how God sees me.

He shows mercy when I confess sin. He sees beauty when I'm a mess. He sees me through the eyes of love and reminds me that His love is everlasting. I am a writer and parent and child of God. I am who God has created me to be. And I will write what I know.

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