The Seminar

Last weekend, I attended a writing seminar that really opened my eyes to some things. I loved it.

You know how a person can know something, and then it somehow sinks in and pops into place in that person's brain? Well, I had one (at least one) of those moments this weekend.

I write my way. I try to learn from others, but I have my own writing style. And I like it.

But if you stop what you're doing and look at it from a different perspective, you learn things. I could compare it to sitting on the opposite side of the church from your "normal" seat. Or maybe sitting on the opposite side of the dinner table.

People sometimes get in a rut, doing the same thing the same way. When you inflict change upon yourself, it shakes up the brain enough to have to sort out why you're doing it that way.

Change is good.

I've already sent a thank you note to Donald Maass and his staff for an enormously encouraging seminar. I just had to tell about it here so other writers (the few that don't already know) can know about his great seminars.

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