Sarah Wray

Hop on over to Scenes & Beans and check out Sarah Wray's post for Tuesday 10-17. I wrote this post so Sarah could tell a little about her husband.

Sarah is the owner of Simple Pleasures, a gift shop in Kanner Lake, Idaho. Sarah and Kanner Lake are only found in the Scenes & Beans blog and in Brandilyn Collins' new book Violet Dawn. However, Simple Pleasures is a real store.

It was fun writing the post as Sarah. She's an interesting person, full of life and love. And this week, a special celebration is being remembered!

Don't send cards or flowers, just leave a comment after Sarah's post. She'll be so pleased.


Daddy said...

I'm so impressed with the blog. Not only does it have a clean, organized style, but your writing is strong and has purpose. Nice! Thanks for the link to Sarah's post and keep up the hard work!

-Mancub's dad

Domino said...

I agree. Brandilyn Collins has done a great job making the posts from all the different writers sound like it is a real blog by real people - not just characters in her book.

Thanks for the kind words about my writing.