Domino Club

I'm glad to be back at work on my novel. I took a break to start up a project I'd been thinking about for a while.

It's called the Domino Club.

It is intended to be an encouragement to anyone who wants to change their life for the better.

Change is good. Especially if it is focused and aimed in a good direction.

Some of us need a tiny nudge. I plan to set weekly goals in different areas. These are tasks that anyone can do. The goals are designed to bring people together and to bring people to God.

I think it’ll be interesting. We’ll see what happens.


Alison Strobel Morrow said...

What a great idea! Lisa Samson just launched a weight-loss blog that a bunch of us are on that serves the same purpose: encouraging each other and helping each other set and reach our goals. What a blessing the internet can be, eh? :)

Domino said...

Thanks Alison.

Can you give me the name of her new blog or a link?

That sounds like a fun read.