Impatient Heroes

News Flash: I'm still unpublished.

I know, I know. I'm supposed to save the "news flash" for the big announcement that I'm published. But thanks to Deena's offer to review my novels, I thought I'd mention that my novels are NOT in your local bookstore - - - yet!

That very sad fact is stretching the limits of my heroes' patience. They want to pound against the walls of my imagination, want to live in someone else's head for a while, want to be free.

They want to be unwrapped at Christmastime. But, alas, it will not happen this year.

I'm changing one story into two, and that takes some time. It's a lot of work, but I'm loving it. New situations are popping up and new details that I haven't see before.

My villain doesn't want to speak. I'm afraid of getting into his head too much because it's a dark and scary place that should only be entered in an extreme emergency.

My heroes aren't scared of the villains. But I am.

So I hand them a soft drink and offer them a seat and ask for their patience one more time.

And I ask for yours.

Thanks for staying with me, holding my hand, encouraging me. I'm hoping the wait won't be much longer.


Valerie Hudson said...

Don't be afraid. Just "grit your teeth" and tell your villians who's boss. Or, rather, tell them that you serve The Boss, who has empowered you to write without fear. Don't you have a "smite" key on your keyboard?

Domino said...

Hehehe. I smite have a special key.

I mean, I might.

Villains beware of the smite key.