Rear Window, 1954

James Stewart and Grace Kelly pair up in an unlikely love story. A photojournalist recovers from an injury incurred on the job and finds nothing more interesting to do than looking out the window. He doesn’t let his broken leg get in the way as he watches his neighbors in their daily rhythms. The woman who loves him comes to visit, provides meals for him, and helps him find out what’s happening on the other side of the courtyard.

Boredom, anonymity, a camera, binoculars, and a phone are what help him get closer to the mystery. His interest in the people he observes is stirred when things don’t look quite right to him.

Raymond Burr stars as the villain whose movements are being watched. Thelma Ritter is James Stewart’s nurse who comes to check on him and gets drawn into the secret observations.

According to, at the time Alfred Hitchcock directed this film, they were working in the largest indoor set built at Paramount Studios and brought the sun indoors using 1,000 lights. The apartments being watched had electricity, running water, and could be lived in.

Director Alfred Hitchcock found ways to draw out much suspense from his scenes. He once said, “There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it.”

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