This weekend, I’ll review a movie about someone who sometimes just isn’t himself. He has a strong desire to help others, but that same desire gets him into trouble.
If you see yourself in that description, let me assure you that you’re not alone. Many people with a desire to help others get themselves into trouble when they risk the lives of others by overcompensating for a weakness or ruin a relationship with one in order to help another. We also get into trouble by simply overscheduling our lives in an attempt to be there for everyone who needs us.
When you take on too big of a job and can’t see over your inbox, take a moment and discover the peace of a relationship with Jesus Christ. “Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Romans 7:25
Join me at Seek God With Me for more on this topic.
Sometimes we all need a little help living up to our intentions.