A Powerful Mom

A mother’s persistent love can overcome many obstacles. Matthew 15:21-28 shows the example of a mother who never gave up. Her daughter was suffering terribly, and she knew Jesus was able to heal her. She was basically told – by Jesus, himself – that she wasn’t important enough for him to stop and listen to her.

Did she get offended? No. It took a special “mother’s boldness” for her to continue pressing Jesus for his healing touch for her daughter.

Many moms pray for their children, but sometimes God gives us a chance to push in closer to Him and use our faith a little more than we normally do. If we accept God’s invitation to a deeper relationship with Him, we can reap great rewards.

Today on Seek God With Me, I’m taking a look at the mother with a sick child and how our persistence with God is a good thing. Join me.

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