Rediscover Yourself in a Journal


My house has a lot of bookshelves. If you’re an avid reader, you get me. One of the things I’ve been keeping on my shelves through the years (besides favorite books) is my collection of journals.

My first experience with journaling was in high school. My teacher required us to turn in a journal with something written in it, and she didn’t care what we wrote. After that class was over, I packed it in a box of high school keepsakes. As a mother, I threw away a lot of older things to make room for new keepsakes from my kids’ treasured moments. In that process, I rediscovered my old journal. As I read it, I was surprised at how enlightening it was after all those years.

Recently, my mom started using a journal for the first time in her life. I’m excited for her. I can’t wait to see what she discovers about herself.

If you’d like to rediscover yourself or see evidence of your own spiritual growth, use the 90-Day Prayer Journal to write down what you learn about God and about yourself each day. After a few months of journaling, go back and read what you wrote in the past. You’ll be able to see how God gives insight and understanding for overcoming your daily struggles.

When you use this journal consistently, you’ll be able to see a pattern of how God shows up in your life.

Journaling is a great way to encourage yourself. If you have a difficult day (and we all do), go back and read some of your entries for “WHAT I DID WELL TODAY”.

Want to rediscover yourself? Start journaling today so you can see how you change for the better over time.  

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