In Training Mode

I want to be the very best writer I can be. I'm not going to be "as good as" or even "like" someone else. I'm going to be what I was created to be.

The only way I will achieve that is to continue learning. I have been in training mode for many years. I don't have a university English degree, but I have the desire to learn.

I feel like a piece of undeveloped film. You can't expose it to the light too soon or you'll ruin it. It has to be developed first. After it has spent time in the dark at the hands of the Master, the beauty contained in that film will be revealed.

I know there's more to my writing than I can see at this point. I'll stay in training mode until the Master reveals the pictures on the film. He knows what He's doing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Laura, PERFECT post. You put it so eloquently! Too bad it takes some of us a little longer to learn that than others (I wanted to be a polaroid, but thank God He didn't let me, I'd be all cracked and yellow by now!)